Posts tagged ‘Audition’

FRINGE DIARY 2011: That Strangest of Loves

…Within about ten minutes of the preview starting one of our actors was somehow bleeding gently from the face. And we kept going. And the audience thought it was makeup and stayed with us. And we took them to a place that I don’t think anyone expected to end up.

Continue Reading 26/09/2011 at 3:36 pm 1 comment


I have given a lot of thought to this post, with respect to how I put things, and even whether I should open up this can of worms and thus have to lie in it. Mixed metaphors notwithstanding, I’m not doing myself any favours by revealing events what should essentially be kept behind closed doors. There’s an unspoken rule about the audition/rehearsal room and what stays there. With that in mind, I have determined to say what I have to say about the casting process, because some things are not better-off left unsaid.

As such I’ll be speaking from experience, from the perspective of the actor, although I won’t be referring to any specific artists or productions; out of respect for the sanctity of the studio space, and for the various directors and companies I may have auditioned for. If you are one of those, and perhaps recognise certain scenarios I lay out in this post, please do not take my bitchy tone too seriously. It’s just good copy (from the school of sensationalism) designed to get my points across with impact. I hold no grudges, nor bitterness toward thee, after fifteen years of auditioning I can handle the odd rejection notice. If I took issue with something on the day, chances are I already said something to you in private, and moved on.

Of course, I recognise that everyone does things differently, but the culture is such that actors will rarely speak up in public if they value their chances of working regularly. (Worth Noting: Actors will discuss directors/producers/agents/companies in private, there are various newsgroups dedicated to just this purpose- but you have to be an actor to join them)... There will be those who see my attempts to tease open the audition process as sour grapes, or being a prima donna. Whatever. Think what you must, those who have worked with me know otherwise. Tiptoeing around stuff is just not my style… I simply use these examples to illustrate a wider argument about casting, that elusive thing which makes or breaks a show before rehearsals have even begun.

Continue Reading 14/02/2010 at 2:08 pm 1 comment

Nailing That Audition – a 5 step guide

There’s no point in having all that preparation and discussion if you can’t change it all around in rehearsal. And that’s really what they want to see – how will you cope in the rehearsal room? Have you got what it takes?

Continue Reading 10/08/2009 at 11:35 am 2 comments

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